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faq:version:spark [2017/09/20 17:38]
m1dn1ghtn1nj4 Added 0600 firmware changelog
faq:version:spark [2018/02/20 14:16] (current)
validat0r added f/w .0700 - .0900, added some points for prev. f/w versions
Line 4: Line 4:
 ===== V01.00.0006 ====== ===== V01.00.0006 ======
   * First release   * First release
 ===== V01.00.0300 ====== ===== V01.00.0300 ======
Line 11: Line 13:
   * Fixed a rare issue causing occasional gimbal shaking when powering on the aircraft.   * Fixed a rare issue causing occasional gimbal shaking when powering on the aircraft.
   * Improved user experience for Gesture mode, QuickShot, ActiveTrack, TapFly, and more.  Improved vision system performance.   * Improved user experience for Gesture mode, QuickShot, ActiveTrack, TapFly, and more.  Improved vision system performance.
 +  * Last tweakable f/w version regarding modules 305/306
Line 24: Line 27:
   * Fixed an issue where the remote controller and aircraft couldn't connect in some regions.   * Fixed an issue where the remote controller and aircraft couldn't connect in some regions.
   * Reduced video downlink latency when Wi-Fi signal is weak.   * Reduced video downlink latency when Wi-Fi signal is weak.
 +  * 905/NFZ update
 ===== V01.00.0500 ====== ===== V01.00.0500 ======
Line 40: Line 44:
   * Improved aircraft and remote controller responsiveness.   * Improved aircraft and remote controller responsiveness.
   * Optimized battery level calculation.   * Optimized battery level calculation.
 +  * Battery f/w upgrade
 +  * ftpd fixed
 ===== V01.00.0600 ====== ===== V01.00.0600 ======
Line 48: Line 54:
   * Optimized battery management to improve stability.   * Optimized battery management to improve stability.
   * Fixed an occasional issue where the remote controller wouldn’t function normally after updating firmware.   * Fixed an occasional issue where the remote controller wouldn’t function normally after updating firmware.
-  * --== NOTE ==-  This firmware update includes new battery firmware. Make sure to insert each of your batteries into the +  * --== NOTE ==-  This firmware update includes new battery firmware. Make sure to insert each of your batteries into the aircraft and update their firmware separately. Check DJI GO 4 to ensure updating completes successfully. This update must be installed before 2017-9-1, otherwise the aircraft will not be able to take off. 
-aircraft and update their firmware separately. Check DJI GO 4 to ensure updating completes successfully. + 
-This update must be installed before 2017-9-1, otherwise the aircraft will not be able to take off.+===== V01.00.0700 ====== 
 +  * Added Dynamic Home Point updating, which periodically sets the aircraft’s current position as the Home Point. 
 +  * Optimized image transmission quality 
 +  * QuickShots can now be recorded without an SD card. 
 +  * Added a 3 second countdown when shooting a QuickShot or ShallowFocus photo. 
 +  * You can now switch between and lock transmission frequencies and channels manually. 
 +  * 905/NFZ Update 
 +  * Battery f/w upgrade 
 +===== V01.00.0701 ====== 
 +  * Added the Sphere Panorama feature (with DJI GO 4 app v4.1.14 or higher). 
 +  * Added Dynamic Home Point for ActiveTrack and Gesture modes (with DJI GO 4 app v4.1.14 or higher). 
 +  * Low Battery Return to Home will no longer trigger automatically in Gesture mode. 
 +  * Users can now save Wi-Fi frequency and channel settings (with DJI GO 4 app v4.1.14 or higher). 
 +  * Improved firmware updating stability. 
 +  * Improved security. 
 +  * Battery f/w downgrade to V01.00.0600 level 
 +===== V01.00.0800 ====== 
 +  * Added support for DJI Goggles RE (with firmware v01.00.00.02 or higher). 
 +  * Improved firmware updating stability. 
 +===== V01.00.0900 ====== 
 +  * Optimized battery management to improve stability 
 +  * Battery f/w upgrade 
faq/version/spark.1505929117.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/20 17:38 by m1dn1ghtn1nj4