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Table of Contents


This wiki is designed to store data relating to reverse engineering of DJI aircraft. It is a project created by the community for the community!



FAQ: Our FAQ's provide general information that applies to all pilots including those with little technical experience. Some of the information includes our unofficial release notes archive, a discussion on trusting open source code, and links to other interesting sites.

Howto: If you want to get under the hood, there is lots more you can do with your equipment. But be warned. This is not for the faint of heart. There is a real risk when you start tweaking that you can cause problems for your equipment. Only proceed if you FULLY understand what you are doing, and you understand the risks.


Contribute: This site is created and maintained by community members. Any help that you can offer will be greatly appreciated!

If you don't know about formatting, don't worry about it! Any information you have will be formatted by us to make sure it is easily readable by everyone who visits!

“This website has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by DJI.”

start.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/30 23:27 by czokie