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howto:crystalsky [2020/03/14 09:42]
knarfboy cleaning
howto:crystalsky [2020/03/18 19:29]
Line 4: Line 4:
-This has been tested on an CrystalSky 7.85 and 5.5, System Version, (09/02/2018)V02.06.03.00 (12/04/2018) and v02.06.06.00 (12/23/2018).+This has been tested on an CrystalSky 7.85 and 5.5, System Versions 
 +  * v02.02.09.00 
 +  * v02.04.02.00 
 +  * v- (09/02/2018) 
 +  * V02.06.03.00 (12/04/2018) 
 +  * v02.06.06.00 (12/23/2018) 
 +  * v03.00.02.00 (12/09/2019)
-It is reported that if you try to downgrade from v3.0.2.0 it bricks the CS. Do not upgrade past v02.06.06.00 (12/23/2018)."** +It is reported that if you try to downgrade from v3.0.2.0 it bricks the CS. 
- +
-Rooting v3.0.2.0 is still possible! Source  <br /> +
- +
- +
-{{:howto:aaaot1j7dm.png?400|}} +
- +
-I was able to root v3.0.2.0 with csfire, standard method from Linux. +
-Nothing was different from the instructions and older versions. +
-No idea who is spreading fake news that the new update made rooting +
-impossible. It is still an old Android 5.1.1 with 3.10 kernel, so lordroot +
-and dirtycow methods are still possible.+
 +Rooting v3.0.2.0 is still possible! Source
 The only thing I noticed is that adb drivers on Windows are now not compatible The only thing I noticed is that adb drivers on Windows are now not compatible
 with v3.0.2.0, because the new image reports a different USB VID/PID codes. with v3.0.2.0, because the new image reports a different USB VID/PID codes.
Line 24: Line 20:
 Use a Linux virtual machine for that (Virtualbox) and the problem is sovled. Use a Linux virtual machine for that (Virtualbox) and the problem is sovled.
 +It has been said but not confirmed, the following google play store install will not work on v03.00.02.00.
-NOTE: Will be adding step through to this shortly, CantRepeat. Just to clarify, when I get time I will be adding the walk-through for rooting CS on firmware v02.06.06.00 (12/23/2018) and below. I do not have and have not work on v3.0.2.0 at all.+ 
 +NOTE: Will be adding step through to this shortly, CantRepeat. Just to clarify, when I get time I will be adding the walk-through for rooting CS on firmware v03.00.02.00 (12/09/2019) and below. 
Line 40: Line 39:
 Choose Platform: "ARM" Android: "5.1" Variant: "pico" Choose Platform: "ARM" Android: "5.1" Variant: "pico"
-Install (sideload) flashfire+  * Install (sideload) flashfire 
 +  * Give flashfire su, if asked 
 +  * Copy the zip (i.e. to an sd card, plug it in the CS sd1 slot 
 +  * In flashfire, tap the "+" sign on the right hand corner. 
 +  * Choose "Flash ZIP or OTA" 
 +  * Tap on top of the filebrowser to change to "Filesystem root" 
 +  * Navigate to "mnt/external_sd1" 
 +  * Choose your zip file 
 +  * Leave "Auto-mount" and "Mount/system read/write" unchecked 
 +  * Hit the checkmark and there you go 
 +  * After several reboots, you will be greeted with the setup assistant.
-- Give flashfire su, if asked 
-- Copy the zip (i.e. 
-to an sd card, plug it in the CS sd1 slot 
-- In flashfire, tap the "+" sign on the right hand corner. 
-- Choose "Flash ZIP or OTA" 
-- Tap on top of the filebrowser to change to "Filesystem root" 
-- Navigate to "mnt/external_sd1" 
-- Choose your zip file 
-- Leave "Auto-mount" and "Mount/system read/write" unchecked 
-- Hit the checkmark and there you go 
-After several reboots, you will be greeted with the setup assistant. 
 Step through it, make your settings and thats it. Step through it, make your settings and thats it.
-**WARNING!** +****WARNING!** 
- +** 
-Triple Check the choosen Platform, Android Version and Variant to avoid flashing wrong software, which could brick your device. Execute the steps carefully and you should be good.+Triple Check the chosen Platform, Android Version and Variant to avoid flashing wrong software, which could brick your device. Execute the steps carefully and you should be good.
-This has been tested on an CrystalSky 7.85, System Version,,, and has been tested on an CrystalSky 7.85, System Version,,, and v03.00.02.00
 ====== Default Wifi regulatory domain ====== ====== Default Wifi regulatory domain ======
Line 89: Line 78:
 The full CS country 2 letters code to this 4 hex code is :  The full CS country 2 letters code to this 4 hex code is : 
- "AL   :    "8008   ,        //ALBANIA +^ Country Code ^ Hex Code ^ Country Name ^  
- "DZ   :    "800C   ,        //ALGERIA +^AL|8008|ALBANIA | 
- "AR   :    "8020   ,        //ARGENTINA +^DZ|800C|ALGERIA | 
- "AM   :    "8033   ,        //ARMENIA +^AR|8020|ARGENTINA | 
- "AW   :    "8215   ,        //ARUBA +^AM|8033|ARMENIA | 
- "AU   :    "8024   ,        //AUSTRALIA +^AW|8215|ARUBA | 
- "AT   :    "8028   ,        //AUSTRIA +^AU|8024|AUSTRALIA | 
- "AZ   :    "801f   ,        //AZERBAIJAN +^AT|8028|AUSTRIA | 
- "BH   :    "8030   ,        //BAHRAIN +^AZ|801f|AZERBAIJAN | 
- "BD   :    "8032   ,        //BANGLADESH +^BH|8030|BAHRAIN | 
- "BB   :    "8034   ,        //BARBADOS +^BD|8032|BANGLADESH | 
- "BY   :    "8070   ,        //BELARUS +^BB|8034|BARBADOS | 
- "BE   :    "8038   ,        //BELGIUM +^BY|8070|BELARUS | 
- "BZ   :    "8054   ,        //BELIZE +^BE|8038|BELGIUM | 
- "BO   :    "8044   ,        //BOLVIA +^BZ|8054|BELIZE | 
- "BA   :    "8046   ,        //BOSNIA +^BO|8044|BOLVIA | 
- "BR   :    "804C   ,        //BRAZIL +^BA|8046|BOSNIA | 
- "BN   :    "8060   ,        //BRUNEI +^BR|804C|BRAZIL | 
- "BG   :    "8064   ,        //BULGARIA +^BN|8060|BRUNEI | 
- "KH   :    "8074   ,        //CAMBODIA +^BG|8064|BULGARIA | 
- "CA   :    "807C   ,        //CANADA +^KH|8074|CAMBODIA | 
-//"CA   :    "9389   ,        //CANADA_AP +^CA|807C|CANADA | 
- "CL   :    "8098   ,        //CHILE +^CA|9389|CANADA_AP | 
- "CN   :    "809C   ,        //CHINA +^CL|8098|CHILE | 
- "CO   :    "80AA   ,        //COLOMBIA +^CN|809C|CHINA | 
- "CR   :    "80BC   ,        //COSTA +^CO|80AA|COLOMBIA | 
- "HR   :    "80BF   ,        //CROATIA +^CR|80BC|COSTA | 
- "CY   :    "80C4   ,        //CYPRUS +^HR|80BF|CROATIA | 
- "CZ   :    "80CB   ,        //CZECH +^CY|80C4|CYPRUS | 
- "DK   :    "80D0   ,        //DENMARK +^CZ|80CB|CZECH | 
- "DO   :    "80D6   ,        //DOMINICAN +^DK|80D0|DENMARK | 
- "EC   :    "80DA   ,        //ECUADOR +^DO|80D6|DOMINICAN | 
- "EG   :    "8332   ,        //EGYPT +^EC|80DA|ECUADOR | 
- "SV   :    "80DE   ,        //EL +^EG|8332|EGYPT | 
- "EE   :    "80E9   ,        //ESTONIA +^SV|80DE|EL | 
- "FI   :    "80F6   ,        //FINLAND +^EE|80E9|ESTONIA | 
- "FR   :    "80FA   ,        //FRANCE +^FI|80F6|FINLAND | 
- "F2   :    "80FF   ,        //FRANCE2 +^FR|80FA|FRANCE | 
- "GE   :    "810C   ,        //GEORGIA +^F2|80FF|FRANCE2 | 
- "DE   :    "8114   ,        //GERMANY +^GE|810C|GEORGIA | 
- "GR   :    "812C   ,        //GREECE +^DE|8114|GERMANY | 
- "GL   :    "8130   ,        //GREENLAND +^GR|812C|GREECE | 
- "GD   :    "8134   ,        //GRENADA +^GL|8130|GREENLAND | 
- "GU   :    "813C   ,        //GUAM +^GD|8134|GRENADA | 
- "GT   :    "8140   ,        //GUATEMALA +^GU|813C|GUAM | 
- "HT   :    "814C   ,        //HAITI +^GT|8140|GUATEMALA | 
- "HN   :    "8154   ,        //HONDURAS +^HT|814C|HAITI | 
- "HK   :    "8158   ,        //HONG +^HN|8154|HONDURAS | 
- "HU   :    "815C   ,        //HUNGARY +^HK|8158|HONG | 
- "IS   :    "8160   ,        //ICELAND +^HU|815C|HUNGARY | 
- "IN   :    "8164   ,        //INDIA +^IS|8160|ICELAND | 
- "ID   :    "8168   ,        //INDONESIA +^IN|8164|INDIA | 
- "IR   :    "816C   ,        //IRAN +^ID|8168|INDONESIA | 
- "IE   :    "8174   ,        //IRELAND +^IR|816C|IRAN | 
- "IL   :    "8178   ,        //ISRAEL +^IE|8174|IRELAND | 
- "IT   :    "817C   ,        //ITALY +^IL|8178|ISRAEL | 
- "JM   :    "8184   ,        //JAMAICA +^IT|817C|ITALY | 
- "JP   :    "8188   ,        //JAPAN +^JM|8184|JAMAICA | 
- "JO   :    "8190   ,        //JORDAN +^JP|8188|JAPAN | 
- "KZ   :    "818E   ,        //KAZAKHSTAN +^JO|8190|JORDAN | 
- "KE   :    "8194   ,        //KENYA +^KZ|818E|KAZAKHSTAN | 
- "KP   :    "8198   ,        //NORTH +^KE|8194|KENYA | 
- "KR   :    "819A   ,        //KOREA_REPUBLIC +^KP|8198|NORTH | 
- "K2   :    "819B   ,        //KOREA +^KR|819A|KOREA_REPUBLIC | 
- "K3   :    "819C   ,        //KOREA +^K2|819B|KOREA | 
- "KW   :    "819E   ,        //KUWAIT +^K3|819C|KOREA | 
- "LV   :    "81AC   ,        //LATVIA +^KW|819E|KUWAIT | 
- "LB   :    "81A6   ,        //LEBANON +^LV|81AC|LATVIA | 
- "LI   :    "81B6   ,        //LIECHTENSTEIN +^LB|81A6|LEBANON | 
- "LT   :    "81B8   ,        //LITHUANIA +^LI|81B6|LIECHTENSTEIN | 
- "LU   :    "81BA   ,        //LUXEMBOURG +^LT|81B8|LITHUANIA | 
- "MO   :    "81BE   ,        //MACAU +^LU|81BA|LUXEMBOURG | 
- "MK   :    "8327   ,        //MACEDONIA +^MO|81BE|MACAU | 
- "MY   :    "81CA   ,        //MALAYSIA +^MK|8327|MACEDONIA | 
- "MT   :    "81D6   ,        //MALTA +^MY|81CA|MALAYSIA | 
- "MX   :    "81E4   ,        //MEXICO +^MT|81D6|MALTA | 
- "MC   :    "81EC   ,        //MONACO +^MX|81E4|MEXICO | 
- "MA   :    "81F8   ,        //MOROCCO +^MC|81EC|MONACO | 
- "NP   :    "820C   ,        //NEPAL +^MA|81F8|MOROCCO | 
- "NL   :    "8210   ,        //NETHERLANDS +^NP|820C|NEPAL | 
- "AN   :    "8212   ,        //NETHERLANDS_ANTILLES +^NL|8210|NETHERLANDS | 
- "NZ   :    "822A   ,        //NEW_ZEALAND +^AN|8212|NETHERLANDS_ANTILLES | 
- "NO   :    "8242   ,        //NORWAY +^NZ|822A|NEW_ZEALAND | 
- "OM   :    "8200   ,        //OMAN +^NO|8242|NORWAY | 
- "PK   :    "824A   ,        //PAKISTAN +^OM|8200|OMAN | 
- "PA   :    "824F   ,        //PANAMA +^PK|824A|PAKISTAN | 
- "PE   :    "825C   ,        //PERU +^PA|824F|PANAMA | 
- "PH   :    "8260   ,        //PHILIPPINES +^PE|825C|PERU | 
- "PL   :    "8268   ,        //POLAND +^PH|8260|PHILIPPINES | 
- "PT   :    "826C   ,        //PORTUGAL +^PL|8268|POLAND | 
- "PR   :    "8276   ,        //PUERTO_RICO +^PT|826C|PORTUGAL | 
- "QA   :    "827A   ,        //QATAR +^PR|8276|PUERTO_RICO | 
- "RO   :    "8282   ,        //ROMANIA +^QA|827A|QATAR | 
- "RU   :    "8283   ,        //RUSSIA +^RO|8282|ROMANIA | 
- "RW   :    "8286   ,        //RWANDA +^RU|8283|RUSSIA | 
- "SA   :    "82AA   ,        //SAUDIA +^RW|8286|RWANDA | 
- "ME   :    "81F3   ,        //MONTENEGRO +^SA|82AA|SAUDIA | 
- "RS   :    "82B0   ,        //SERBIA +^ME|81F3|MONTENEGRO | 
- "SG   :    "82BE   ,        //SINGAPORE +^RS|82B0|SERBIA | 
- "SK   :    "82BF   ,        //SLOVAKIA +^SG|82BE|SINGAPORE | 
- "SI   :    "82C1   ,        //SLOVENIA +^SK|82BF|SLOVAKIA | 
- "ZA   :    "82C6   ,        //SOUTH +^SI|82C1|SLOVENIA | 
- "ES   :    "82D4   ,        //SPAIN +^ZA|82C6|SOUTH | 
- "LK   :    "8090   ,        //SRI +^ES|82D4|SPAIN | 
- "SE   :    "82F0   ,        //SWEDEN +^LK|8090|SRI | 
- "CH   :    "82F4   ,        //SWITZERLAND +^SE|82F0|SWEDEN | 
- "SY   :    "82F8   ,        //SYRIA +^CH|82F4|SWITZERLAND | 
- "TW   :    "809E   ,        //TAIWAN +^SY|82F8|SYRIA | 
- "TH   :    "82FC   ,        //THAILAND +^TW|809E|TAIWAN | 
- "TT   :    "830C   ,        //TRINIDAD +^TH|82FC|THAILAND | 
- "TN   :    "8314   ,        //TUNISIA +^TT|830C|TRINIDAD | 
- "TR   :    "8318   ,        //TURKEY +^TN|8314|TUNISIA | 
- "UG   :    "8320   ,        //UGANDA +^TR|8318|TURKEY | 
- "AE   :    "8310   ,        //UNITED +^UG|8320|UGANDA | 
- "UA   :    "8324   ,        //UKRAINE +^AE|8310|UNITED | 
- "GB   :    "833A   ,        //UNITED_KINGDOM +^UA|8324|UKRAINE | 
- "US   :    "8348   ,        //UNITED_STATES +^GB|833A|UNITED_KINGDOM | 
- //"US   :    "8349   ,        //UNITED +^US|8348|UNITED_STATES | 
- "PS   :    "834A   ,        //UNITED_STATES_PS +^US|8349|UNITED | 
- "UY   :    "835A   ,        //URUGUAY +^PS|834A|UNITED_STATES_PS | 
- "UZ   :    "835C   ,        //UZBEKISTAN +^UY|835A|URUGUAY | 
- "VE   :    "835E   ,        //VENEZUELA +^UZ|835C|UZBEKISTAN | 
- "VN   :    "82C0   ,        //VIETNAM +^VE|835E|VENEZUELA | 
- "YE   :    "8377   ,        //YEMEN +^VN|82C0|VIETNAM | 
- "ZW   :    "82CC           //ZIMBABWE+^YE|8377|YEMEN | 
howto/crystalsky.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/26 12:42 by cantrepeat