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howto:iosfrida [2017/10/17 03:40]
czokie [9.2. Implement enhanced SSL pinning hook]
howto:iosfrida [2019/01/16 02:37] (current)
Line 62: Line 62:
 Download this file to ~/Documents Download this file to ~/Documents
-<code bash FridaGadget.config>+<code java FridaGadget.config>
 { {
   "interaction": {   "interaction": {
Line 73: Line 73:
 </code> </code>
 +Or, if you're ready to do some on-board hooking without any external comms, use this instead
 +<code java FridaGadget.config>
 +  "interaction": {
 +    "type": "script",
 +    "path": "Tweak.js",
 +    "on_change": "reload"
 +  },
 +  "code_signing": "required"
 +and create Tweak.js in the same directory with your required hooks.
 ===== 2. Generate (or renew) signing credentials ===== ===== 2. Generate (or renew) signing credentials =====
Line 89: Line 102:
 It goes without saying you will need an IPA file to play with. Below, it is assumed you have downloaded your IPA file and saved it to "~/Documents/DJI GO 4.ipa" It goes without saying you will need an IPA file to play with. Below, it is assumed you have downloaded your IPA file and saved it to "~/Documents/DJI GO 4.ipa"
-NB: This MUST be a decrypted Go4 app. these are available to download here [[howto:iosmod|IOSMOD]]+NB: This MUST be a decrypted Go4 app. these are available to [[howto:firmware#dji_go_4|download here]]
 ===== 4. Application Modification & Signing ===== ===== 4. Application Modification & Signing =====
Line 95: Line 108:
   rm -rf Payload   rm -rf Payload
   mkdir -p "Payload/DJI GO"   mkdir -p "Payload/DJI GO"
-  cp FridaGadget.config "Payload/DJI GO"+  cp FridaGadget.config Tweak.js "Payload/DJI GO"
   zip -r "DJI GO 4.ipa" Payload   zip -r "DJI GO 4.ipa" Payload
   objection patchipa -s "DJI GO 4.ipa" --codesign-signature <your signature>   objection patchipa -s "DJI GO 4.ipa" --codesign-signature <your signature>
Line 121: Line 134:
 After launch is complete, you can disconnect the USB cable. Make sure you promptly launch Frida if you have it in "wait" mode, otherwise the app will fail to completely launch. After launch is complete, you can disconnect the USB cable. Make sure you promptly launch Frida if you have it in "wait" mode, otherwise the app will fail to completely launch.
 ==== 6.3 Launch in Springboard ==== ==== 6.3 Launch in Springboard ====
-Ideally, we want to be able to launch the app from the phone with no connected USB cable. Howeverthis is still failing. More testing needed. Until resolvedwe can still launch via USB and then disconnect USB and start Frida.+We can now launch in Springboardif you correctly configured your Frida configuration file, and you are only using Swizzle hooks.
 ===== 7. Launch objection ===== ===== 7. Launch objection =====
Line 157: Line 170:
 The default objection hook code is [[|listed here]] for reference The default objection hook code is [[|listed here]] for reference
-We found that this was working for SOME requests, but not all. Particularly it appears on IOS10. Instead, you can replace the default hook with [[|this alternative hook]] and you should be good to go.+We found that this was working for SOME requests, but not all. Particularly it appears on IOS10. Instead, you can replace the default hook with [[|this alternative hook]] and you should be good to go. Install with the wget command below.
   wget -q -O- > /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/objection/hooks/ios/pinning/disable.js   wget -q -O- > /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/objection/hooks/ios/pinning/disable.js
Line 165: Line 178:
 ==== 9.3. Build our first hook ==== ==== 9.3. Build our first hook ====
 Frida is new to me - I would like to build a hook that tricks the DJI go app into thinking the terms and conditions have already been accepted - even for a new install. Frida is new to me - I would like to build a hook that tricks the DJI go app into thinking the terms and conditions have already been accepted - even for a new install.
 +<code c>
 +bool __cdecl -[DJITermsNotificationController shouldShowTerms](DJITermsNotificationController *self, SEL a2)
 +  void *v2; // x0
 +  void *v3; // x0
 +  void *v4; // x21
 +  BOOL v5; // w22
 +  objc_msgSend(&OBJC_CLASS___NSUserDefaults, "standardUserDefaults");
 +  v2 = (void *)objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue();
 +  objc_msgSend(v2, "objectForKey:", CFSTR("AppleLanguages"));
 +  v3 = (void *)objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue();
 +  objc_msgSend(v3, "objectAtIndex:", 0LL);
 +  v4 = (void *)objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue();
 +  NSLog();
 +  if ( (unsigned __int64)objc_msgSend(v4, "hasPrefix:", CFSTR("zh-"), v4) & 1 )
 +    LOBYTE(v5) = 0;
 +  else
 +    v5 = (unsigned __int64)objc_msgSend(v4, "hasPrefix:", CFSTR("ru")) ^ 1;
 +  objc_release();
 +  objc_release();
 +  objc_release();
 +  return v5;
 +// 10276FD28: using guessed type __CFString cfstr_Applelanguages;
 +// 10279F268: using guessed type __CFString cfstr_Ru_0;
 +// 1027BEB88: using guessed type __CFString cfstr_Zh_0;
 +// 102D88FF0: using guessed type __objc2_ivar stru_102D88FF0;
 +So... What does the frida patch look like... (Thanks jezzab)
 +<code javascript djihook.js>
 +    //Terms and Conditions Bypass - jezzab
 +    var hook = ObjC.classes.DJITermsNotificationController["- shouldShowTerms"];
 +    Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, {
 +                   onLeave: function(retval) {
 +                       console.log("Bypassing Terms and Conditions Dialog");
 +                       retval.replace(0);
 +                       }
 +   });
 +Subsequently, I spoke to the author of Frida about a problem with our work so far. Specifically, we want to be able to run the DJI GO app without launching via debug. He explained that the interceptor method is fairly intrusive, dynamically modifying code which gets caught by IOS. Instead, he suggested swizzling, which is an objective c alternative method to swap two functions. Even better, it passes all IOS security appsigning constraints.
 +He provided the following as a replacement sample for our simple hook.
 +<code javascript djihook2.js>
 +var DJITermsNotificationController = ObjC.classes.DJITermsNotificationController;
 +var shouldShowTerms = DJITermsNotificationController['- shouldShowTerms'];
 +shouldShowTerms.implementation = ObjC.implement(shouldShowTerms, function (handle, selector) {
 +  return false;
 +or if we want to see the original value...
 +<code javascript djihook3.js>
 +var DJITermsNotificationController = ObjC.classes.DJITermsNotificationController;
 +var shouldShowTerms = DJITermsNotificationController['- shouldShowTerms'];
 +var shouldShowTermsImpl = shouldShowTerms.implementation;
 +shouldShowTerms.implementation = ObjC.implement(shouldShowTerms, function (handle, selector) {
 +  var originalResult = shouldShowTermsImpl(handle, selector);
 +  console.log('Original says:', originalResult, 'we say: false');
 +  return false;
 +Some other comments... What about the original data that comes into this function? What can we do with it?
 +oleavr: method arguments follow self and sel (the first two implicit arguments). you can use var self = new ObjC.Object(handle); then you can access the instance variables of self through self.$ivars depending on whether you want to access method arguments or instance variables (or other things on the instance)
 +Lastly - If we need any intrusive hooks in our code - we can add the below if we need to have intrusive hooks for debugging.
 +  if (Process.codeSigningPolicy === 'optional') {
 ==== 9.4. First Standalone Patch ==== ==== 9.4. First Standalone Patch ====
-Install this first hook to bypass the terms and conditions screen and package it with the app.+Good news. We accomplished this. Jezzab has packaged an earlier js file into an app, and launched in standalone mode. However, as per above notes - we had a limitation. We needed to launch with debug mode, otherwise we got code signing violations. Two things are needed to fix this... 
 +  * We need to use swizzling instead of intercepting in our hooks 
 +  * The author of Frida has agreed to do a patch to the gadget, so that if a phone is not jailbroken and running without debug - the intercept methods and other naughtiness will be disabled - allowing a tweaked app to run with no code signing problems. 
 +  * The above change is now in Frida... To implement this, we need the following frida configuration
 +<code java>
 +  "interaction": {
 +    "type": "script",
 +    "path": "Tweak.js",
 +    "on_change": "reload"
 +  },
 +  "code_signing": "required"
 +  * One more thing... The on_change config item. This is another mod that oleavr made to Frida - In IOS, we can upload a .js file to user space via iTunes or ifunbox etc. When frida loads up, it will look first in the documents location for a JS file. If found, it will use it. If not found, it will look for one in the app from build time. The advantage of this is that we can update the JS without a complete app rebuild.
 ==== 9.4. Add more Standalone Patches ==== ==== 9.4. Add more Standalone Patches ====
 Create more hooks and package with a frida tweak'd app to change the behaviour of the application. For example: Create more hooks and package with a frida tweak'd app to change the behaviour of the application. For example:
Line 176: Line 278:
   - Login "offline"   - Login "offline"
 +==== 9.5. Persistant Configuration ====
 +We need a way to store some persistent configuration that can be read by all of these hooks. At first glance, there is SQLite support, which will do the storage, but we really don't want to execute SQL code each time we want to test if a particular widget is enabled or disabled. Taking that forward, the next logical place to go would be to use **frida-compile**, which has the nice benefit of giving you access to thousands of existing modules from npm, including (plenty of options for persistence)
 +Some useful details are [[|available here]] on how to use it to hack on `frida-java`, but just mentally replace that with any other module from npm.
 +There are some Frida-specific modules as well - like frida-uikit for UI automation on iOS
 +==== 9.6. UI Settings ====
 +Having build a persistent configuration object, we now need to think about how we can build our own UI that will allow our custom settings to be changed.
 ===== 10. General Notes ===== ===== 10. General Notes =====
 ==== 10.1. Useful LLDB commands ==== ==== 10.1. Useful LLDB commands ====
Line 208: Line 320:
   * [[|LLDB Debugging Guide]]   * [[|LLDB Debugging Guide]]
 +==== 10.5. Building Frida ====
 +We've worked with the author of Frida for a few things... Below is a simple set of instructions to rebuild the Frida Gadget for IOS, to take advantage of some new tweaks.
 +  * Install Xcode with command-line tools installed (Should already be done above)
 +  * Install Node.js (from
 +  * Do a git clone of the Frida repo
 +  * Set an environment variable IOS_CERTID to be the ID of a valid code-signing certificate
 +  * make gadget-ios
 +What does that bring us? We have a new config option
 +  { "code_signing": "required" }
 +This option will allow us to have a frida modified IPA that will run on our device, launched by springboard with no special debug startup sequences required.
 +===== 11. Error Codes =====
 +If you get an error during install, [[|this page is a good reference guide]] to help troubleshoot.
 +===== 12. Credits =====
 +oleavr from Frida has been awesome through this process. Some of our needs were not readily possible in the existing Frida code. He has made changes throughout the process to the Frida-gadget which have been enormously helpful. In addition, he has provided guidance and coaching as we came up to speed with using Frida... so thanks oleavr.
 +===== 13. Footnote =====
 +In parallel to the Objection method of patching, work has been ongoing into an alternate method that can be scripted "in the cloud". This work is dependent on one component called [[|isign]]
 +This work had stalled, but it was confirmed to be working. However, it was discovered recently that IPA files from 4.3.2 and later fail to be signed using this tool. Below is an analysis of the current state of problem solving.
 +Firstly... a quick review of the components. isign is a python app. It uses a component called "[[|construct]]". Note that iSign fails to operate with versions of Construct after 2.5.5. Also, pip fails to install 2.5.4 and 2.5.5 automatically. You will need to manually install if you want to experiment with these versions.
 +Construct is "Construct is a powerful declarative parser (and builder) for binary data." In other words, you define a data structure and point the parser to a stream of data, and it builds python objects containing the data from the stream.
 +When using isign with IPA 4.3.2 or later, it parses all of the framework binaries, and then moves to the main DJI GO 4 macho binary and we get a construct error. A copy of the error message is listed below:
 +working on /tmp/isign-Kvt0Zy/Payload/DJI GO GO 4
 +removing ua: /tmp/isign-Kvt0Zy
 +Traceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "/usr/bin/isign", line 5, in <module>
 +    pkg_resources.run_script('isign==', 'isign')
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 540, in run_script
 +    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1455, in run_script
 +    execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 252, in <module>
 +    isign.resign(app_path, **kwargs)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 81, in resign
 +    alternate_entitlements_path)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 400, in resign
 +    ua.bundle.resign(deep, signer, provisioning_profile, alternate_entitlements_path)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 262, in resign
 +    super(App, self).resign(deep, signer)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 177, in resign
 +    self.sign(deep, signer)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 172, in sign
 +    executable = self.signable_class(self, self.get_executable_path(), signer)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/isign-", line 41, in __init__
 +    self.m = macho.MachoFile.parse_stream(self.f)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/construct/", line 193, in parse_stream
 +    return self._parse(stream, Container())
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/construct/", line 665, in _parse
 +    subobj = sc._parse(stream, context)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/construct/", line 846, in _parse
 +    obj = self.cases.get(key, self.default)._parse(stream, context)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/construct/", line 665, in _parse
 +    subobj = sc._parse(stream, context)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/construct/", line 266, in _parse
 +    return self.subcon._parse(stream, context)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/construct/", line 440, in _parse
 +    raise ArrayError("expected %d, found %d" % (count, c), sys.exc_info()[1])
 +construct.core.ArrayError: ('expected 79, found 78', ArrayError('expected 6, found 3', SwitchError('no default case defined',)))
 +So. Lets talk about program flow. The structure of the macho binary is defined in [[|]]. This object is used in [[|]] in line 41
 +  self.m = macho.MachoFile.parse_stream(self.f)
 +To help understand where the failure is happening, [[|construct]] provides some [[|debugging]] capabilities.
 +If you look at line 169 of [[|]], you will notice there is a probe command commented out.
 +  #Probe(),
 +To get some debugging data as the IPA is parsed, remove the comment character above in [[|]]
 +However, we get a new error when debugging is enabled. From what I can tell, the debugging stream is reset on changing input files. isign parses multiple files, and only fails on the last file. The debugger does not work well on opening the next file. To get debug data, I modified the test IPA file to remove all of the framework directories, Everything else was unchanged. I then get the following [[|debug output]]
 +So. Whats next? To fix this problem will require comparing by hand the parsing of the 4.3.10 macho binary (specifically the DJI GO 4 file inside the IPA) against this debug data... and finding out what changes are required to [[|]] to parse this file.
 +Below is a table of the modules found within DJI GO 4 version 4.3.10 - which was created by hand analysis of the actual IPA file. This shows 79 load commands, yet Construct finds only 78. Which one is missing? Time to compare the table below with the [[|debug output]]
 +==== Manual analysis of DJI GO 4 v4.3.10 ====
 +|5|80000022|LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY| |
 +|6|02|LC_SYMTAB| |
 +|7|0B|LC_DYSYMTAB| |
 +|9|1B|LC_UUID| |
 +|12|80000028|LC_MAIN| |
 +|76|1C|LC_RPATH| |
 +|78|29|LC_DATA_IN_CODE| |
howto/iosfrida.1508211614.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/17 03:40 by czokie