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IOS Tweaking with Frida & Objection

I had planned to look at the IOS app for some time. More recently, DJI decided to implement certificate pinning to try to stop us from seeing what data they are exchanging. My first thought “How rude!”.

To get under the hood, Hostile reminded me (again) that I should really look at Frida. Never done it before, but that is no excuse. I started looking, and I also found and

My first efforts were to get the basic frida functionality working since these apps depended on it. But this was a major fail. Frida on Python 2.x was not working for me all that well. And on 3.x, it failed to install due to some weird certificate errors that are OSX related.

After struggling, I downloaded the egg file and did the install manually. That worked. While researching, I concluded that Objection looked like a good fit for what I wanted, so I installed that also.

Below is the step by step of what I have done so far to get to this point.

1. Install required tools

1.0. Install Base Tools & Dependencies

We need several tools and dependencies in order to start. Many of these may be already installed on your mac if you've been involved in previous development work. However, its a good idea to check and install if necessary. Lets start with Xcode.

1.0.1 Install Xcode

Go to App store, search and Install Xcode, this is a multi GB (around 5) install, so give it time.

Once complete, In terminal run the following commands

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

1.0.2 Install Brew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

1.0.3 Install Python 3

brew install python3

1.0.4 Install wget

brew install wget

1.0.5 Install NPM

brew install npm

1.1. Install Frida

Frida does not install cleanly on OSX using pip3. There is some weird ass certificate error. I've googled enough and decided to cheat. By putting the egg file in ~ it just works…

cd ~
wget `wget -q "" -O- | grep macosx | tail -1 | cut -d "\"" -f 2`
pip3 install frida

1.2. Install objection

pip3 install objection -U

1.3. Install applesign

npm install -g applesign

1.4. Install insert_dylib

cd ~/Documents
git clone
cd insert_dylib
cp build/Release/insert_dylib /usr/local/bin/insert_dylib

1.5. Install ios-deploy

npm install -g ios-deploy

1.6. Create a frida gadget configuration file

The Frida Gadget supports configuration parameters, that will allow the gadget to start in a variety of modes. We need to add this file to the IPA which will be read by the gadget during application load. This is particularly important, since we dont want to be dependent on the USB cable which is the default behaviour. At the moment, the behaviour here is to wait for frida to connect. Later, we can have our own gadget scripts that we will add into the IPA which will work standalone, without a need to have a network connection at all.

Download this file to ~/Documents

  "interaction": {
    "type": "listen",
    "address": "",
    "port": 27042,
    "on_load": "wait"

2. Generate (or renew) signing credentials

2.1. Generate a code signing certificate

2.2. Generate a mobileprovision file

2.3. Take note of your code signing value

You will need a hex string to use below, which is your code-signing identity. Execute this command to get your value

security find-identity -p codesigning -v

3. Application Acquisition

It goes without saying you will need an IPA file to play with. Below, it is assumed you have downloaded your IPA file and saved it to “~/Documents/DJI GO 4.ipa”

NB: This MUST be a decrypted Go4 app. these are available to download here IOSMOD

4. Application Modification & Signing

cd ~/Documents
rm -rf Payload
mkdir -p "Payload/DJI GO"
cp FridaGadget.config "Payload/DJI GO"
zip -r "DJI GO 4.ipa" Payload
objection patchipa -s "DJI GO 4.ipa" --codesign-signature <your signature>

5. Application Deploying

cd ~/Documents
rm -rf Payload
unzip *-frida-codesigned.ipa
ios-deploy --bundle Payload/*.app -W

6. Launch the app

There are a few options for launching… Pick which is best for you

6.1 Launch with lldb debugger active

Device must be connected via USB and unlocked.

ios-deploy --bundle ~/Documents/Payload/*.app -W -d -m

this may also be of interest to trace some of the flow via lldb

6.2 Just launch with no debugger active

ios-deploy --bundle ~/Documents/Payload/*.app -m -L

After launch is complete, you can disconnect the USB cable. Make sure you promptly launch Frida if you have it in “wait” mode, otherwise the app will fail to completely launch.

6.3 Launch in Springboard

Ideally, we want to be able to launch the app from the phone with no connected USB cable. However, this is still failing. More testing needed. Until resolved, we can still launch via USB and then disconnect USB and start Frida.

7. Launch objection

Launch the objection user interface in a new terminal window. Objection is a front end with pre packaged Frida hooks.

7.1 USB Connection

objection explore

7.2 Network Connection

objection -N -h <mobile-device-ip>  explore

8. Use The Hooks

Too many hooks to cover here… but the first one that was of interest to me is listed below.

ios sslpinning disable

9. What's next

9.1. Explore network traffic

Look at traffic that we can see, noting that most of it is now not SSL pinned. What is of interest?

Starting objection as described above is great - but there is one better option.

objection -N -h <mobile-device-ip>  explore --startup-command "ios sslpinning disable"

This will automatically apply the SSL pinning bypass as soon as frida connects. By doing this, we appear to get access to all SSL comms without pinning, with the exception of traffic to … for reasons unknown at this time.

9.2. Implement enhanced SSL pinning hook

The default SSL pinning works out of the box with Frida/Objection - However, some DJI traffic is still not able to be read. Looking at lldb, we find:

DJI GO 4[5809:2007849] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

This error message is defined here

errSSLXCertChainInvalid 	= -9807,	/* invalid certificate chain */

The default objection hook code is listed here for reference

We found that this was working for SOME requests, but not all. Particularly it appears on IOS10. Instead, you can replace the default hook with this and you should be good to go.

wget -q -O- > /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/objection/hooks/ios/pinning/disable.js

After making this change, DJI ssl pinning is your oyster. Crack it open!

9.3. Build our first hook

Frida is new to me - I would like to build a hook that tricks the DJI go app into thinking the terms and conditions have already been accepted - even for a new install.

9.4. First Standalone Patch

Install this first hook to bypass the terms and conditions screen and package it with the app.

9.4. Add more Standalone Patches

Create more hooks and package with a frida tweak'd app to change the behaviour of the application. For example:

  1. Turning off SSL pinning by default
  2. Responding with “Approved” to all GEO requests
  3. Bypassing “terms of service” screens
  4. Login “offline”

10. General Notes

10.1. Useful LLDB commands

Interrupt process and halt

process interrupt

Set a breakpoint on SSLHandshake

b SSLHandshake

View registers

register read

If anything in the list looks like it has a CoreFoundation or Obj-C object, type the following:

po <register of object>

And finally, if you think there's a C string being pointed to by one of the variables, you can use this:

p (char*)<register of string>

10.2. Useful Objection Commands

ios cookies get
ios nsuserdefaults get
ios sslpinning disable

10.3. Tracing Application Flow and System Calls

This GitHub project may be useful when combined with lldb to get some more information about execution flow - but have not fully got it working yet.

10.4. Resources

howto/iosfrida.1508211580.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/17 03:39 by czokie