App Cloner Guide
This process will allow you to have 2 versions of the DJIGo4 app installed on your device at the same time. This is helpful if you want to be able to switch between a modded and unmodded app whenever you want without uninstalling/reinstalling frequently. This Howto explains specifically how to have a modded DJIGo4 app installed as well as the latest official DJIGo4 app from the Play Store with the ability to keep the official app updated.
First Method
Uninstall any modded app you have installed.
Install latest version of DJIGo4 from the Play Store.
Install premium version of App Cloner.
Transfer your modded app APK to your device and click on it to install.
Select App Cloner for “Complete Action Using”. Do not select to use this as default.
Follow the prompts with App Cloner until you get to the screen where you can select “Developer Options”. You can also make other changes before going into Developer Options such as changing the app name (Like DJIGoModded) and changing the icon, color etc.
Select the option for “Google Maps API”.
Follow the prompts to log into your google account until you get to the point to generate the
API key. Then use the copy icon to copy the key and back out until you get back to the App Cloner interface and enter the key by pasting.
Continuing following the prompts to install the app and when done you will see the custom icon on your device.
Second method
Open app cloner, select DJI GO 4
You can set the clone version (on premium), name of the app and change icon.
In developer options you can enable maps using Google Maps
API key option (on premium)
In clone options there is an option to ignore updates which will stop app cloner notifications when the original app is updated or a different version
Click the blue circle with a tick when you have finished customising to create the clone
Go to play stor to install latest version or install apk of another version you wish to run
And then ...
You can then run either app whenever you want. The cloned app will even show up as an option when you connect your remote.
If you only want to run 1 copy but your maps don't work as you have patched it, you can make the maps work by using app cloner, under clone number check the replace original app box and select Google Maps API key option in developer options