This page was previously hidden content. The team that has contributed to this work has in a private channel agreed it is time to release this material.
Feel free to contribute / update this material to expand on the details here.
How to fully remove NFZ from 4.1.22 GO and on your stock firmware drone WITHOUT mixing firmware. These instructions are for MAVIC only. Coming soon for Spark,P4, I2. Stay tuned. Following these steps will allow you almost the full monty. All performance mods will work, but you still can’t bypass GO Altitude limits, but you can use stock firmware and NOT have to bypass NFZ in parameters. Yes, you read that right. You will be rid of ALL NFZ zones on the map, all of the pop-ups and warnings in the app and be able to arm and fly ANYWHERE! You will have all other benefits of the FW such as Quickshots, Precision Landing etc.
Just to be clear, this project was undertaken to get around DJIs INCORRECT NFZ and Warning zones that they implemented without any legal obligation or requirement.
DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID IF YOU PROCEED WITH NFZ UNLOCKING! If you do something STUPID like flying around airports or other aircraft etc, everyone involved in this project will do whatever we can to identify you and provide your info to the authorities! Do not TEST US!
Tools/software needed:
Without getting into the details of what jezzab has done for all of us…here is what you do:
Test in an area where you had NFZ warnings before, WITH PROPS OFF. I am NOT telling you to fly in a NFZ. Use your smarts. You are responsible for your flying. Not DJI.
- Turn on your Mavic, connect via USB and wait for it to start up. - Open DUMLdore (tested in version 3.20) and select “Enable ADB”. Wait for the confirmation message in the status bar. - Open as administrator: CMD and type “adb shell” and enter. - Run, in order:
mount -o remount,rw /amt cd amt rm -r nfz exit
- Restart your bird and test if the application asks you to update the FlySafe database. If it does, you're ready to go. Keep in mind that each update comes with its database built in, so this method only works if the update you use corresponds to an NFZDB that does not contain locks for the area you want to fly.
Note: If after the change the aircraft reports a firmware check error, simply flash the same version and the error will go away.
Big thanks to this post I don't know who did it, but it served as my entry point. (by jmartincufre).
Unlocking the entire system with license (big switch):
Change LED Status (can play with LED speed etc)
getBean() function that parses param file located at res/raw/flyc_param_infos)
NFZ Flight State Change (could potentially change to Flying Normally)
PnUqLQk4MAN3TCU7DjA+OzVDJCsTcDQFIXUhJw45MRAGGg== g_config.flying_limit.max_height_0
EU8gJQ8qFQ00Qz0jEzc2Cg== HeightLimitation
PnUqLQk4MAN3TCU7DjA+OzVDJCsTcDQFIXU7IwM3LBcGGg== g_config.flying_limit.max_radius_0
HUM6NgYwOgEVQyQrEz8tDTZE DistanceLimitation
Decrypt above with:
nfz db encryption key | slkIUOIjf234w4dfaLIKJ793s3j |
Geo1860 aes key | hpBzum8Ht1aGpB8YCB2&KcW#jwdaWBx9 |
Geo aes key | E72AA69EC4B8E342B3DCC3A7834EB |
Geo1860 db Signature key | E72AA69EC4B8E342B3DCC3A7834EB |
assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/dji.nfzdb.confumix assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/dji.nfzdb.sig
<service android:name=“”/> <service android:name=“dji.pilot.flyforbid.FlyforbidUpdateService” android:stopWithTask=“true”/>
.line 202
<dji.pilot.publics.widget.DJIStateTextView android:enabled=“true” android:textSize=“20.0sp” android:textColor=“@color/white” android:gravity=“center” android:layout_gravity=“bottom” android:id=“@id/v2_upgrade_data_ok_btn” android:background=“@drawable/common_bottom_btn_selector” android:visibility=“invisible” android:layout_width=“fill_parent” android:layout_height=“50.0dip” android:text=“@string/tip_upgrade_data_start” android:maxLines=“1" /> <dji.pilot.publics.widget.DJIStateTextView android:enabled=“true” android:textSize=“20.0sp” android:textColor=“@color/white” android:gravity=“center” android:layout_gravity=“bottom” android:id=“@id/v2_upgrade_data_finish_btn” android:background=“@drawable/common_bottom_btn_selector” android:visibility=“visible” android:layout_width=“fill_parent” android:layout_height=“50.0dip” android:text=“@string/ok” android:maxLines=“1" />
if "%%f"=="removeNFZ" ( echo.-: Deleting all NFZ db all files... del /f /q "assets\expansion\internal\flysafe\dji.nfzdb.confumix" del /f /q "assets\expansion\internal\flysafe\dji.nfzdb.sig" del /f /q "assets\expansion\internal\flysafe\flysafe_areas_djigo.db" del /f /q "assets\expansion\internal\flysafe\flysafe_polygon_1860.db" del /f /q "assets\expansion\internal\flysafe\flyforbid_airmap\*.json" del /f /q "res\raw\flyforbid.json" copy /b NUL "res\raw\flyforbid.json" )
if [ "$patch" == "removeNFZ" ] then rm assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/dji.nfzdb.confumix rm assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/dji.nfzdb.sig rm assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/flysafe_areas_djigo.db rm assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/flysafe_polygon_1860.db rm assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/flyforbid_airmap/*.json rm res/raw/flyforbid.json touch res/raw/flyforbid.json fi
diff -Naur orig/AndroidManifest.xml mod/AndroidManifest.xml
--- orig/AndroidManifest.xml 2018-01-25 21:31:44.000000000 -0500 +++ mod/AndroidManifest.xml 2018-01-25 21:36:55.000000000 -0500 @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ <service android:name="dji.pilot2.flymonitor.service.FlyMonitorService" android:stopWithTask="true"/> <service android:name="dji.pilot.flightrecord.DJIRecordService" android:stopWithTask="true"/> <service android:name="dji.pilot.battery.service.BatteryCheckService" android:stopWithTask="true"/> - <service android:name="dji.pilot.flyforbid.FlyforbidUpdateService" android:stopWithTask="true"/> <receiver android:name="dji.pilot2.publics.receiver.NetworkStatShutdownReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_SHUTDOWN"/> @@ -276,7 +275,6 @@ </intent-filter> </receiver> <activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" android:name="dji.assets.InstallActivity" android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Light.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen"/> - <service android:name=""/> <activity android:label="@string/app_name" android:name="dji.setting.ui.MainActivity" android:screenOrientation="sensorLandscape" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden"/> <activity android:name="dji.checklist.TestCheckListActivity" android:screenOrientation="sensorLandscape"/> <activity android:excludeFromRecents="true" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name="com.dji.update.view.UpdateDialogActivity" android:taskAffinity="" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"/>
diff -Naur orig/smali_classes3/dji/data/upgrade/d/a.smali mod/smali_classes3/dji/data/upgrade/d/a.smali
--- orig/smali_classes3/dji/data/upgrade/d/a.smali 2018-01-25 21:31:56.000000000 -0500 +++ mod/smali_classes3/dji/data/upgrade/d/a.smali 2018-01-25 21:45:50.000000000 -0500 @@ -483,8 +483,6 @@ .line 211 iget-object v0, p0, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/a;->l:Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c; - invoke-virtual {v0}, Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c;->show()V - .line 212 return-void .end method @@ -652,8 +650,6 @@ .line 293 iget-object v1, p0, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/a;->m:Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c; - invoke-virtual {v1}, Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c;->show()V - goto :goto_0 .end method @@ -770,8 +766,6 @@ .line 341 iget-object v0, p0, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/a;->n:Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c; - invoke-virtual {v0}, Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c;->show()V - goto :goto_0 .end method @@ -1413,8 +1407,6 @@ .line 421 iget-object v0, p0, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/a;->p:Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c; - invoke-virtual {v0}, Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c;->show()V - goto :goto_0 .end method @@ -1455,8 +1447,6 @@ .line 435 iget-object v0, p0, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/a;->j:Ldji/data/upgrade/d/b; - invoke-virtual {v0}, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/b;->show()V - goto :goto_0 .end method @@ -1618,8 +1608,6 @@ .line 482 iget-object v0, p0, Ldji/data/upgrade/d/a;->q:Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c; - invoke-virtual {v0}, Ldji/publics/widget/dialog/c;->show()V - goto :goto_0 .end method
diff -Naur orig/apktool.yml mod/apktool.yml
--- orig/apktool.yml 2018-01-25 16:29:49.000000000 -0500 +++ mod/apktool.yml 2018-01-25 21:25:46.000000000 -0500 @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ - arsc - data - assets/build -- assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/dji.nfzdb.confumix -- assets/expansion/internal/flysafe/dji.nfzdb.sig - webp - so - h264