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This wiki is designed to store data relating to reverse engineering of DJI aircraft. Feel free to register and contribute.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The details in the FAQ's will provide general information only. If you want to get under the hood and modify or tweak your aircraft, go to the howto guides. If you are more interested in general questions, go to the FAQ Index

How To Guides

If you're ready to go to another level, there is lots more you can do with your equipment. But be warned. This is not for the faint of heart. There is a real risk when you start tweaking that you can cause problems for your equipment. Only proceed if you FULLY understand what you are doing, and you understand the risks. Click the Howto Index if you are ready to continue.


The community of people that are doing the reverse engineering of these products are generally pretty awesome. I think it is fair to say that this whole community started as a result of a lack of trust in DJI. People had purchased their aircraft with certain capabilities. DJI made changes which caused licensed pilots who have permission to fly in certain areas need to jump through hoops that were not required when they purchased their aircraft. Particularly outside the USA, this process of sending email messages and waiting causes overhead and additional cost to DJI pilots. This caused a lack of trust in DJI.

When it comes to these hacks and tweaks, there is also a need to have trust. The good news is that the code for all of these mods is published publicly. And there is a significant community of coders that are doing peer review of the mods, and testing the tweaks on their own aircraft.

My advice to anyone who comes here. The people that are making these mods and patches are credited here. They can be trusted. There are others who are trying to big-note themselves and use the hard work that others have already put in, and do nothing more than change the logo. Not cool. If you want to know who to trust, look at the extended network of people that are putting in the hard yards instead of trusting those that want to claim glory without any substantial effort.

I personally challenged this behaviour in the band group forum, and had my access terminated as a result. It is sad to say that the community is divided in this way. My advice. Make up your own mind, by reading what people are contributing directly. That will let you know who you can and cannot trust.

start.1501303625.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/29 04:47 by czokie