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Super-Patcher GitHub

A custom flight controller and flasher for unlocking height limits, NFZ limits, Galileo Satellites reception, and extended parameter ranges. Supports various DJI aircraft running stock versions of newer firmware versions

Super-Patcher supports the following aircraft and firmwares (list will be updated as new aircraft are supported) :

Mavic Pro/Platinum/Alpine White v1.04.0300
Spark v1.00.0900
Phantom 4 Pro v1.05.0600
Phantom 4 Standard v2.00.0700
Phantom 4 Advanced v1.00.0128
Phantom 4 Pro V2 v01.00.2200
Inspire 2 V01.02.0200

Super-Patcher is an easy-to-use deployment of the FC Patcher Tool. It includes pre-built flight controllers for various aircraft built with FC_Patcher and will walk you through the process of flashing it to the aircraft as you follow along.

This is a very easy way to do a very advanced and complex modification. Although, Super-Patcher is easy you must follow the direction EXACTLY!

The most important thing before beginning Super-Patcher is to be on a 100% STOCK version of the firmware that corresponds to your aircraft above. This means if you have done a mixed module modification you will need to flash the stock firmware TWICE to flush out the mixed flight controller and return your aircraft to fully stock.

Features of Super-Patcher

Remove height limitations by default
  • There is nothing additional the user needs to do to enable this feature and it is always enabled.
    • As soon as the Super-Patcher process is complete the drone will ignore ALL height limitations even if set by the user in DJI Go 4.
      • Even though the user is able to enter a value in for height limit in DJI Go 4, the drone WILL NOT obey this height limit command.
        • *Please fly with caution!*
      • This is not optional and is hard-coded into the firmware. There will be no height limit parameters visible in Assistant 2
      • To enable height limits again would require uninstalling Super-Patcher which can be done simply by flashing to a stock firmware version
    • Please note that the height limit parameters in Assistant 2 1.1.2 in debug mode will NOT be visible because they are hard-coded to the firmware. These parameters have been modified to disable height limit altogether even though they are not visible.

*It is always the responsibility of the pilot to fly safely and to know local regulations. *


Remove NFZ and GeoZone limits by default
  • There is nothing additional the user needs to do to enable this feature and it is always enabled.
  • As soon as the Super-Patcher process is complete the drone will ignore all forced GeoZone and NFZ limitations
  • This is not an optional and is hard coded into the firmware.
    • Please note:
      • GeoZones will still be marked in the app and the app will still warn you when the drone is close to or in an NFZ
  • However…
    • Your drone will not be prevented from flying
    • Your drone will not be forced to auto-land.
    • You drone will not be preventing from taking off
      • * *Please fly with caution!*
    • The airport limit parameters are hard-coded and will not be visible in Assistant 2. Airport limits have already been disabled. These parameters have been modified to disable airport limits altogether even though they are not visible.

*It is always the responsibility of the pilot to fly safely and to know local regulations.*

Enable Galileo satellite reception by default
  • The drone will now connect to Galileo GPS satellites in addition to the satellites already available.This means you can expect to see a greater satellite count in the app and a stronger, more reliable, and more accurate GPS signal.
  • There is nothing additional the user needs to do to enable it and it is always enabled.
  • Typically you can expect to see your sat count at between 20-30 sats once they have all connected
Does NOT require an internal SD card be installed
  • With older methods for unlocking, namely mixed firmware mods, the Mavic Pro Platinum and some more recently manufactured Mavic Pros required that the Mavic be opened and an internal SD card installed for other mods to work.
  • *NOT* with Super-Patcher. Super-Patcher does NOT require an internal SD card because it is NOT a mixed firmware mod.

No motors errors on Mavic Pro Platinum
  • With older modification techniques, namely mixed firmware mods, the Mavic Pro Platinum will give motor errors due to not having the correct ESC modules for the upgraded MPP ESCs
  • Because Super-Patcher modifies the flight controller on v01.04.0300 firmware which has the correct ESC modules for Mavic Pro AND Mavic Pro Platinum there will be no motor errors and ESCs will work as designed

Precision RTH and Precision Landing are not affected and will work normally
  • With older methods for removing height limits and NFZ limits, namely mixed firmware mods, the precision RTH and precision landing features did not function as expected.
  • Because Super-Patcher is not a mixed firmware mod it does NOT affect these functions and so they will work as expected.


  • Optionally customize parameters with Assistant 2 1.1.2 in debug mode
  • Just like any other firmware you can use Assistant 2 1.1.2 in debug mode to turn up the max speed parameters, enable ATTI mode, or virtually endless parameter modifications
  • For more information on some of the available parameter mods see howto:parameterhacks ]
  • These are optional

Optionally enable slower more cinematic panning motions for more cinematic video.
  • Enables setting yaw speed to as low as 1 degree per second in any mode using Assistant 2 1.1.2 in debug modeor directly in DJI Go 4 for P-GPS mode to get much smoother and slower cinematic pans.
  • By default yaw speeds are factory default
  • Each flight mode has its own yaw speed parameter that can be changed in Assistant 2 1.1.2 in debug mode. The value these parameters is in degrees per second

=The parameters for yaw speed for each mode are=

* *P-GPS mode with front OA sensors ON*
   * g_config_avoid_cfg_avoid_tors_rate_range
* *P-GPS mode with front sensors OFF*
  * g_config_mode_normal_cfg_tors_gyro_range
* *Sport Mode*
  * g_config_mode_sport_cfg_tors_gyro_range
* *Tripod mode*
  * g_config_mode_tripod_cfg_tors_gyro_range
* *Cinematic Mode*
  * CM_tors_range

These are optional


==Optional ability to enable full time FCC or FCC boost mode with jkson FCC Mod

  • This is now integrated with Super-Patcher. You will be asked if you'd like to enable jkson_fcc_mod. Jkson_fcc_mod is only available for Mavic Pro, Mavic Pro Platinum, and Mavic Pro Artic White on Super-Patcher at this time. P4PV2 coming soon!
    • This is optional


  • Mavic Pro or Mavic Pro Platinum has to be on STOCK v01.04.0300 firmware for all modules


  • Spark has to be STOCK V01.00.0900 firmware for all modules


  • Phantom 4 Professional has to be on STOCK V1.05.0600 firmware for all modules


  • Phantom 4 standard has to be on STOCK V02.00.0700 firmware for all modules


  • Phantom 4 advanced has to be on STOCK V01.00.0128 firmware for all modules


  • Phantom 4 Pro V2 has to be on STOCK V01.00.2200 firmware for all modules


  • Inspire 2 has to be on STOCK V01.02.0200 firmware for all modules
  • This means if your firmware is mixed with the flight controller of another firmware, even though it says you are on the correct firmware, you will need to flash a stock version of the correct firmware for you aircraft listed above TWICE to ensure all modules get flashed.
  • Super-Patcher only runs on Windows
    • NOTE: Super-Patcher works best with Windows 10!

  1. Ensure the prerequisites above are met
  2. Download or clone the entire repository
    1. Be sure to keep all files in original folders
  3. Double click the file called “auto_install.bat”
  4. The auto_install.bat will guide you through the process step by step.
    1. *Please do what it says when it says to do it*
    2. Follow all the steps even if you think you don't need to do them… YOU DO!
    3. Don't try to outsmart the process or do anything extra “for good measure”
      1. these are the main reasons for Super-Patcher not being successful
  5. You will be prompted to verify flight controller version at the end to confirm Super-Patcher is successful
  6. You may optionally use the simulator in Assistant 2 or DJI Go 4 to verify working order before testing outside.
  7. If there are issues with flight in the simulator there will be issues with flight in real life
    1. Reflash stock firmware and then redo ENTIRE Super-Patcher process in case of an issue.
      1. *Please Note: To date there has never been an issue with flight after installing Super-Patcher. This recommendation is only a matter of good practice whenever modifying or flashing firmware*


Process takes maybe 5 minutes



Q. Do I need a specific version of the DJI Go 4 app to get the benefits of this mod?

*A. No, Super-Patcher is not dependent on an app so you can use any one you’d like.*

  • NOTE: P4PV2 requires a modified app without the NFZ database. This is the only model with this requirement and it is only needed for NFZ capability

Q. Do I need to do anything with the controller? Like upgrade/downgrade the controller?

*A. No, Super-Patcher doesn’t do anything with the controller and it makes no difference which controller firmware you are using.*

Q. Do I really have to use Windows 10 for this to work? *A. The recommendation to use Windows 10 is because older versions of Windows do not identify the ADB driver for DJI drones. There are multiple ways to remedy this. You can update the driver manually or try to try up in safe mode and enable unrecognized drivers but Windows 10 does recognize the driver so it is easiest to just use Windows 10.*

howto/super-patcher.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/22 23:09 by brett8883