Super-Patcher: Pre-built flight controller made with FC Patcher which unlocks altitude limits, NFZs, and other features (Mavic Pro, P4, P4P, P4A, P4Pv2, Spark and Inspire 2)
Download Firmware
DDD: DankDownloader Tool, use it to download any and all DJI firmware you may want
OG Service Comm Tool: OGs Service Tool for Dji products. The script allows to trigger a few service functions of Dji drones.
parameterindex: Parameter Index - What parameters can you change? This will be a parameter dictionary.
DUMLdore: Windows app to flash firmware to/from DJI devices
DroneZBreak: OSX app to flash firmware to/from DJI devices and apply tweaks. (doesnt work anymore)
DUMLRacer 1.1: FW Root & Rollback Exploit for up to and including v01.04.0100
dumlracer: race to root. Python file can be used on Mac, Nix and Windows
UberSploits: UberSploits is a payload delivery client for DJI's NFZ update system. DJI thought they were cute and patched the firmware update system. Effectively killing Tar and Feather, DontForget and DUMLRacer. UberSploits brings all those bugs back to life.